Don’t let connectivity be the last thing you think about before embarking on your cruise. Prepare your wireless set-up pre-departure so you can stay connected while at sea.
How does it work at Sea and on Land?
A SIM, unlocked eSIM capable device is required to use Cruise+.
Make sure to download prior to boarding your cruise.
Choose your cruise plan based on itinerary.
Before boarding your cruise, while still connected to Wi-Fi, install and activate eSIM.
Cruise+ service is available once the cruise ship reaches international waters. While on land, your Cruise+ package will work like any other eSIM.
Use your messaging apps as normal to make and receive calls, texts, and use data services for web browsing, email, social media, secured banking, streaming and maps.
While at sea, your phone will say “Cellular at Sea” or “901” to indicate service is available,.
Make sure “Airplane Mode” is OFF.
Data is transmitted over satellite from ship to land. While on land, your Cruise+ package will work like any other eSIM.